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Publication Listing

Thomas, SP. 2022. Trust Also Means Centering Black Women’s Reproductive Health Narratives.” Hastings Center Report.

Thomas, SP, PhD; Madison Alana Keller, BS; Tiara Ranson, BS; and Rachele Willard, BS. “Patient Perceptions on Noninvasive Prenatal Testing among Black Women in the United States: A Scoping Review”


Thomas, SP, Tiara Ranson, Rachele Willard, and Vence Bonham. “Is Noninvasive Prenatal Testing Constraining Choices? Examining Black Women’s Perceptions on the Advancement of Noninvasive Prenatal Testing for Sickle Cell Disease” (forthcoming)

Fletcher, F, Thomas, SP., Comfort, F, and Ray, KS. 2021. “Bioethics Must Exemplify a Clear Path toward Justice: A Call to Action” American Journal of Bioethics.

Thomas, SP, Kiana Amini, K. Jameson Floyd, Rachele Willard, Faeben Wossenseged, Madison Keller, Jamil B. Scott, Khadijah               E. Abdallah, Ashley Buscetta, Vence L. Bonham, “Cultivating diversity as an ethos with an anti-racism approach in the               scientific enterprise,” Human Genetics and Genomics Advances, Volume 2, Issue 4,2021,

Thomas, SP. (2021). “Street Race in Reproductive Health: A Phenomenological Study on the Pregnancy and Birthing Experiences among Black and Afro-Latina Women.” Journal of Maternal and Child Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-021-03188-2

Adams, Crystal, and Shameka Poetry Thomas. (2018). “Alternative Prenatal Care Interventions to Alleviate Black/White Maternal and Infant Health Disparities.”  Sociology Compass.

Awarded: Top 20 Most Downloaded Article in Sociology Compass between 2018-2019 

              “Finding the Narrative Behind the Numbers” (Feb. 2022):                      narrative-behind-the-numbers


              “Story Telling through Narrative Medicine: Measuring the Lived Experiences of Black Women’s Health” (Oct. 2021)       black-womens-reproductive-health/

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